
Sorting materials into groups Worksheet-4

Sorting materials into groups Worksheet-4


  1. Match the following:

  1. Match the following:



  1. Raindrops are in this state of matter.
  2. I have mass and volume but offer negligible resistance to the movement of materials.
  3. I am an elastic material but a poor conductor of heat.
  4. This is a gas that animals need to stay alive.
  5. When atoms/molecules are in this state of matter, they vibrate around freely.
  6. We are a group of materials through which things are not clearly visible.
  7. Metals with lustre.
  8. I am hard and have a rough surface and I float on water.
  9. This is a gas that plants need to make food.
  10. Matter has a definite shape and volume is in this state.
  11. A very light gas used to fill balloons.
  12. A property which describes mixing of two liquids.
  13. A property of materials due to which things can be seen through it.
  14. A property of transmission of electricity.
  15. Mixing of two substances.
  16. A property of all metals.


Answer Key:

  1. 1-c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-e
  2. 1-c, 2-e, 3-d, 4-b, 5-a
  3. Liquid
  4. Gas
  5. Rubber
  6. Oxygen
  7. Gases
  8. Opaque
  9. Lustrous
  10. Wood
  11. Carbon dioxide
  12. Solid
  13. Helium
  14. Miscibility
  15. Transparency
  16. Conductivity
  17. Miscible/Soluble
  18. Good conductor