
Types of adverbs Worksheet-9

Types of adverbs Worksheet-9


See the underlined adverb and state its kind:

  1. He must have returned by now.

A. Adverb of place                        B. Adverb of manner

C. Adverb of frequency               D. Adverb of time


  1. We go out for dinner occasionally.

A. Interrogative adverb               B. Adverb of frequency

C. Adverb of manner                   D. Adverb of place


  1. Some children speak very loudly.

A. Adverb of frequency               B. Interrogative adverb

C. Adverb of time                         D. Adverb of manner


  1. Sunil and I often play badminton.

A. Adverb of frequency               B. Adverb of time

C. Adverb of place                        D. Adverb of manner


  1. Go and sit on that chair.

A. Adverb of frequency               B. Adverb of manner

C. Interrogative adverb               D. Adverb of place


  1. You should try this at least once.

A. Adverb of time                         B. Adverb of frequency

C. Adverb of manner                   D. Interrogative adverb


  1. When did you return from Mumbai?

A. Adverb of place                        B. Adverb of frequency

C. Adverb of time                         D. Interrogative adverb


  1. Everyone listened silently to the teacher.

A. Adverb of frequency               B. Adverb of manner

C. Interrogative adverb               D. Adverb of time


  1. “Come with me now,” said mother.

A. Adverb of frequency               B. Adverb of time

C. Adverb of place                        D. Adverb of manner


  1. Suddenly the plane plunged into the valley.

A. Adverb of time                         B. Adverb of frequency

C. Adverb of manner                   D. Adverb of place


Answer Key:

  1. D

Explanation: Since ‘by now’ tells us ‘when’; it is an adverb of time.


  1. B

Explanation: Since ‘occasionally’ tells us ‘how many times’; it is an adverb of frequency.


  1. D

Explanation: Since ‘loudly’ tells us ‘how’; it is an adverb of manner.


  1. A

Explanation: Since ‘often’ tells us ‘how many times’; it is an adverb of frequency.


  1. D

Explanation: Since ‘on that chair’ tells us ‘where’; it is an adverb of place.


  1. B

Explanation: Since ‘once’ tells us ‘how many times’; it is an adverb of frequency.


  1. D

Explanation: Since ‘when’ asks a question; it is an interrogative adverb.


  1. B

Explanation: Since ‘silently’ tells us ‘how’; it is an adverb of manner.


  1. B

Explanation: Since ‘now’ tells us ‘when’; it is an adverb of time.


  1. A

Explanation: Since ‘suddenly’ tells us ‘when’ it is an adverb of time.