
Past tense-Mixed review Worksheet-3

Past tense-Mixed review Worksheet-3


Fill in the blank with the correct past tense form of the given verb:

  1. The crowd _____ (shout) and cheering the players.

A. Were shouting                          B. Was shouting

C. Shouted                                     D. Shouting


  1. We all laughed when we _____ (hear) the joke.

A. Heard                                         B. Was hearing

C. Had hearing                             D. Had been heard


  1. Mother ____ (cook) the food before the guests arrived.

A. Had cooking                             B. Had cooked

C. Cooked                                       D. Was cooking


  1. Shital ____ (watch) TV when the doorbell rang.

A. Is watching                               B. Was watched

C. Was watching                          D. Watched


  1. The police ____ (shoot) the terrorist.

A. Shooted         B. Shooting       C. Shot               D. Shoted


  1. The students ______ (stand) up as soon as the teacher came in.

A. Standing                                    B. Stands

C. Were standing                          D. Stood


  1. Sunil ____ (add) all the numbers, but the total is wrong.

A. Added            B. Adding          C. Adds              D. Was adding


  1. Yesterday we _____ (save) a tree from being cut down.

A. Were saving                              B. Was saving

C. Saved                                          D. Saves


  1. The dog ____ (jump) over the wall and ran away.

A. Jumping                                    B. Was jumping

C. Jumps                                        D. Jumped


  1. He ______ (write) a long letter to his mother last week.

A. Wrote                                         B. Has written

C. Writed                                        D. Written


Answer Key:

  1. B

Explanation: Here the past continuous tense is correct. ‘Shout’ is a regular verb and hence ‘ed’ is added to form the past tense form.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Hear’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense. Here the simple past tense is correct.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Cook’ is a regular verb and hence ‘ed’ is added to form the past tense form. Here the past perfect tense is correct.


  1. C

Explanation: Here the past continuous tense is correct. ‘Watch’ is a regular verb and hence ‘ed’ is added to form the past tense.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Shoot’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense. Here the simple past tense is correct.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Stand’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense. Here the simple past tense is correct.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Add’ is a regular verb and hence ‘ed’ is added to form the past tense form. Here the simple past tense is correct.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Save’ is a regular verb ending in ‘e’ and hence only ‘d’ is added to form the past tense. Here the simple past tense is correct.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Jump’ is a regular verb and hence ‘ed’ is added to form the past tense form. Here the simple past tense is correct.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Write’ is an irregular verb and hence its form changes in the past tense. Here the simple past tense is correct.