
Garbage in, garbage out Worksheet-7

Garbage in, garbage out Worksheet-7


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. Which of the following help in vermi-composting?

(a) Insects            (b) Earthworms   (c) Reptiles      (d) All of these


  1. Waste which has been in contact with the blood or body fluids is termed as:

(a) Cytotoxic Drugs                         (b) Radiological Waste

(c) Liquid waste                               (d) Infectious Waste


  1. The gradual build up of the concentration of chemicals as they transfer through higher levels of the food chain is called:

(a) Bio degradation                         (b) Bio magnification  

(c) Bio methanation                        (d) Bio concentration


  1. The following are major types of air pollutants, except:

(a) Oxides of Nitrogen                     (b) Oxides of Carbon   

(c) Oxides of Hydrogen                   (d) Oxides of Sulphur


  1. Approximate  proportion of infectious waste, of total waste generated from a health care facility is:

(a) 50 – 60%        (b) 10 – 20%       (c) 30 – 40%        (d) 80 – 90%


  1. Waste minimization is the key to efficient waste management in health care facilities, this can be achieved by following means, except:

(a) Recycle           (b) Reduce           (c) Reuse              (d) Recover


  1. Discharge of industrial wastewater causes all except:

(a) Change in climate                      (b) Depletion of dissolved oxygen

(c) Impair biological activity          (d) Destroy aquatic life


  1. Intensive agriculture leads to deposition of excessive quantity of _______ into aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem.

(a) Phosphorus   (b) Sulphur          (c) Nitrogen         (d) None


  1. The living organism that serves as an indicator of air pollution is:

(a) E. coli             (b) Viruses           (c) Fungus           (d) Bacteria        


Answer Key:

  1. (b)
  2. (d)
  3. (b)
  4. (c)
  5. (b)
  6. (d)
  7. (a)
  8. (d)
  9. (c)