
Natural Fibres Worksheet-2

Natural Fibres Worksheet-2


Fill in Blanks.

  1. Silk and wool are _____ products.


  1. Pashmina shawls are woven from ____ wool.


  1. The scientific name of silkworm is _____.


  1. The life of silkworm consists of egg, larva, ____ and silk moth.


  1. The periodic shedding of skin of larva is called ____.


  1. The ____ effect of silk thread gives it a natural shine.


  1. The world’s finest wool is extracted from ____ wool.


  1. Selective breeding of sheep involves the cross between an indigenous and an _____ breed.


  1. ____ is caused by Bacterium anthraces.


True or False.

  1. The life cycle of silkworm consists of four stages.


  1. Cotton and jute are natural fibres.


  1. Angora goat is found in Tibet.


  1. Australia is one of the leading producers of silk.


  1. The silkworm  takes three to seven days to prepare the cocoon.


  1. Match the following:

Column I             -    Column II

A. Silk                      -    P. Glue material

B. Sericin                -   Q. Moulting

C. Shearing             -   R. Angora rabbit

D. Silkworm           -   S. Sericulture

E. Wool                    -   T. Metamorphosis

F. Silk moth            -   U. Fleece

G. Silk farming       -   V. Insect

H. Fine wool           -   W. Razor


Answer Key:

  1. Natural
  2. Kashmiri
  3. Bombyx mori
  4. Cocoon
  5. Shearing
  6. Lustrous
  7. Merino
  8. Exotic
  9. Anthrax
  10. True
  11. True
  12. False
  13. False
  14. True
  15. A–Q; B–P; C–W; D–T; E–U; F–V; G–S; H–R