
Weather, Climatic Changes & Adaptations Worksheet-4

Weather, Climatic Changes & Adaptations Worksheet-4


Fill in Blanks

  1. Pictures of earth taken by ____ tell us about the weather.


  1. Tree frog has sticky _____ on its feet to clasp the leaves and branches.


  1. The largest community of animals in the Tropical rainforests are the _____.


  1. The _____ department collects data on aspects of weather to make weather reports.


  1. India experiences _____ climate.


True or False

  1. Due to their locations around the equator, the tropical regions have hot humid climate.


  1. At Mumbai, the maximum and minimum temperatures will show a larger range as compared to Delhi.


  1. Siberia belongs to the Polar region.


  1. Humidity is the measure of moisture in air.


  1. Tropical rainforests are found in the Western Ghats.


  1. Match the following:

Column – I                       Column – II

A. Relative humidity          P. millimeters

B. Rainfall                            Q. centimeters

C. Wind speed                     R. degree Celsius

D. Temperature                  S. kilometers per hour


Answer Key:

  1. satellites
  2. pads
  3. arboreal
  4. meteorological
  5. tropical monsoon
  6. True
  7. True
  8. True
  9. True
  10. True
  11. A-Q; B-P; C-S; D-R