
How Do Animals Take Food Worksheet-2

How Do Animals Take Food Worksheet-2


Fill in Blanks

  1. Undigested semi-solid food remaining in large intestine is called ________.


  1. _________ in ruminants is the true stomach.


  1. Digestion of proteins begins in _________.


  1. Villi are found in ________.


  1. Finger-like projections of Amoeba are called _________.


  1. In Amoeba, the pseudopodia fuse at their tips around food to form_________.


  1. Fats are broken down into ________ and glycerol.


  1. The last four molars are called ________ teeth.


  1. _________ is a leaf like gland present below the stomach.


  1. Undigested food is egested out of body through the __________.


  1. Iodine will turn starch_________.


  1. After mixing with saliva, the bred tastes sweet due to conversion of ________ into sugar.


  1. The secretions in stomach is collectively known as _________  juice.


Answer Key:

  1. faeces
  2. abomasums
  3. stomach
  4. small intestine
  5. Pseudopodia
  6. food vaculoes
  7. fatty acid
  8. wisdom
  9. pancreas
  10. anus
  11. blue purple
  12. starch
  13. digestive