
Microorganisms Friends and Foe Worksheet-4

Microorganisms Friends and Foe Worksheet-4


  1. The fungus that altered the course of history by reducing the population of Ireland from eight million in 1845 to six million a decade later was:

(a) Penicillium glucum               (b) Phytophthora

(c) Synchytrium                            (d) Olpidium


  1. The fungus which gave one of the great­est drugs to the world of medicine is:

(a) Penicillium notatum             (b) Ustilago maydis

(c) Colletorichum falcatum       (d) Alternaria solani


  1. If a bell jar is immediately placed over a slice of moist bread and observed af­ter a few days, we can see that:

(a) the bread swells

(b) fungal mycelium is developed

(c) fungus does not develop

(d) water drops accumulate as the bread respires


  1. Which of the following is an un-branched filament?

(a) Spirogyra    (b) Vacherie      (c) Volvos          (d) Cladophora


  1. A unicellular algae is:

(a) Volvos                                       (b) Spirogyra

(c) Chlamydomonas                    (d) Vacherie


  1. Which one of the following is called pond silk?

(a) Spirogyra                                 (b) Volvox

(c) Chlamydomonas                    (d) Euglena


  1. Algae differ from fungi in being:

(a) heterotrophic                          (b) autotrophic

(c) parasitic                                   (d) sporophytic


  1. Which of the following is a closely re­lated character of euglena with higher plants?

(a) Presence of a flexible pellicle made of protein

(b) They have an eye spot astaxanthin bearing pigment

(c) Euglenoids bear one or two flagella

(d) Chlorophyll is localised in chloroplasts


  1. The transmission and infection of En­tamoeba histolytica is through:

(a) mosquito bite

(b) bird droppings

(c) contaminated food and water

(d) sweat


  1. Spraying of oil on stagnant water con­trols malaria because the:

(a) oil kills malarial parasites in mosquitoes

(b) water becomes too dirty for mosquitoes

(c) mosquito larvae cannot breathe

(d) none of these


Answer Key:

(1)-(b); (2)-(a); (3)-(b); (4)-(a); (5)-(c); (6)-(a); (7)-(b); (8)-(d); (9)-(c); (10)-(c)