
Phylum Porifera: [Pori- Pores/Holes, Fera-To Bear]


  • Animals that belong to group porifera have holes all over their body. They are commonly known as sponges.
  • Habitat: They are aquatic animals which are found in marine water. Exceptions may be there.
  • Habit: They are sessile [stalk-less or resting on the base without foot], sedentary, i.e., they remain attached to the substratum throughout their life and non-motile.
  • Symmetry: Their body is asymmetrical or radially symmetrical. Sponges may be vase- like, rounded, sac-like or branched.
  • Body cavity: They are acoelomate, i.e., true cavity is absent but a hollow cavity is present inside their body known as spoongocoel.
  • Body differentiation: They have cellular level of organization or minimal division and differentiation into tissues is observed.
  • Germ layer: They do not show tissue/ organ formation so they are neither diploblastic nor triploblastic. The cells are loosely held together with a gelatinous cementing material.


Body organization:

  • Body is perforated with pores present all over the body. These pores are known as ostia [ostium] that open into a canal system.
  • The canal system is required for the circulation of water that helps in transportation of food and oxygen. The pore that brings inside the water stream is known as osculum.
  • Skeleton:  They have the external hard covering known as skeleton which is made up of calcareous or siliceous spicules or collagen fibres or both.
  • Life processes: digestion is intracellular, respiration and excretion occurs through diffusion and reproduction may be asexual [Budding] or sexual.



  • Spongilla, Sycon, Euspongia, Euplectella etc.