
Addition and subtraction Worksheet-5

addition worksheets for class 2 kids

  1. What must I subtract from 41 to make 26?

       A. 13                    B. 12                   C. 15                    D. 10


  1. Anita has 12 crackers in her plate. Mom gives 12 more crackers to her. How many crackers does she have now?

       A. 25                   B. 24                   C. 20                   D. 23


  1. Samir wrote 15 lines of a story before lunch and 14 lines after lunch. How many lines did he write altogether?

       A. 28                   B. 27                   C. 30                   D. 29


  1. I saw 11 butterflies, 13 more came a minute later. How many butterflies were there altogether?

       A. 23                   B. 24                   C. 22                   D. 20


  1. Tony has 37 marbles. Dad gives him 9 more. How many marbles does he have now?

       A. 44                   B. 45                   C. 47                   D. 46


  1. Anuj had 26 tennis balls in his bag. He lost 9 balls while playing tennis. How many balls were left in his bag now?

       A. 10                   B. 18                   C. 17                    D. 15


  1. My hen laid 11 eggs on Sunday, 12 eggs on Monday and 6 eggs on Tuesday. How many eggs did my hen lay in three days?

       A. 28                   B. 30                   C. 27                   D. 29


  1. What would you add to 150 to make 250?

       A. 50                   B. 150                 C. 100                 D. 25


  1. There are 37 countries in Asia and 45 countries in Europe. How many countries are there in Asia and Europe altogether?

       A. 72                   B. 82                   C. 83                   D. 92


  1. Deepak has 72 sheep in his flock. There are 38 white sheep and rest are black. How many black sheep are there?

       A. 33                   B. 35                   C. 34                   D. 36



(1)–C; (2)–B; (3)–D; (4)–B; (5)–D; (6)–C; (7)–D; (8)–C; (9)–B; (10)–C