
Adjectives Notes-2 (Level-4)

Adjectives-Study Notes-2


Adjectives of number and quantity.


  1. I have bought a few chairs for my house.

Que: How many chairs?

Ans: FEW (few = adjective)


  1. There is little rice in the pot.

Que: How much rice?

Ans: LITTLE (little = adjective).


  1. Some bangles are broken.

Que: How many bangles?

Ans: SOME (some = adjective)


  1. Fifty boys have gone for the picnic.

Que: How many boys?

Ans: FIFTY (fifty = adjective)


  1. Did you take any medicine for fever?

Que: How much medicine?

Ans: ANY (any = adjective)


  1. Many stars twinkle at night.

Que: How many stars?

Ans: MANY (many = adjective)


Difference between adjectives of number and quantity.


Adjective of number – Used only with countable nouns.

Adjective of quantity – Used only with uncountable nouns.


Say whether the given nouns are countable or uncountable and supply at least two adjectives for each (adjectives of number and quantity):

  1. Chair

  2. Cotton

  3. Oil

  4. Glasses

  5. Star

  6. Hair

  7. Leaf

  8. Length



  1. Countable (four, big, chairs)

  2. Uncountable (lots of, fluffy, cotton)

  3. Uncountable (some, perfumed)

  4. Countable (four, crystal)

  5. Countable  ( so many, twinkling)

  6. Uncountable and countable (a lot of, black, hair) (a few, fallen, hairs)

  7. Countable (some, green)

  8. Uncountable (10 cm, long)




Money (how much money?

Hair (how much hair?)



      Rupees (how many rupees?)

Stars (how many stars?)

Hair (how many hairs?)



  1. This boy carries some money every day.

(how much money? Answer: SOME)


  1. He always has a few rupees with him.

(how many rupees? Answer: A FEW)


  1. I can see all the stars.

(how many stars? Answer: ALL)


  1. Some hair falls out every day.

(how much hair?  Answer: SOME)


  1. A few hairs fall out every day.

(how many hair? Answer: A FEW)

Click here for Exercise-2
