
Adjectives Exercise-2 (Level-7)

Adjective Practice Exercise – 2


Fill in the comparative and superlative degrees of the given adjectives. Wherever two forms are possible DO NOT FORGET to write both!

Positive Comparative Superlative

  1. Industrious _____ _____

  2. _____ More certain _____

  3. Hopeless _____ _____

  4. _____ _____ Most polite

  5. Modern _____ _____

  6. _____ Useful _____

  7. _____ More soulful _____

  8. Careful _____ _____

  9. Heartless _____ _____

  10. _____ _____ Most famous

  11. Recent _____ _____

  12. _____ More caring _____

  13. Concerned _____ _____

  14. Agreeable _____ _____

  15. _____ _____ Most unjust



  1. more industrious, most industrious

  2. certain, most certain

  3. more hopeless, most hopeless

  4. polite, more polite

  5. more modern, most modern

  6. more useful, most useful

  7. soulful, most soulful

  8. more careful, most careful

  9. more heartless, most heartless

  10. famous, more famous

  11. more recent, most recent

  12. caring, most caring

  13. more concerned, most concerned

  14. more agreeable, most agreeable

  15. unjust, more unjust

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