
Adjectives Exercise-1 (Level-4)

Adjectives Practice Exercise – 1


Choose the correct adjective of quality to fill in the blanks.

  1. Every week has ____ days. (five, seven, eight)

  2. Tigers have ____ stripes on their body. (black, white, yellow)

  3. We wear ____ clothes in winter. (cotton, woolen, thin)

  4. An elephant is a ____ animal. (long, small, huge)

  5. Watermelons are ____ outside but red inside. (red, green, blue)

  6. Due to the rain our ____ clothes have become wet. (wet, sunny, dry)


Supply at least three suitable adjectives for the given nouns.

See the example.

Sky - blue sky, clear sky, cloudy sky, starry sky


  1. Tree - ___ tree, ___ tree, ___ tree, ___ tree, ___ tree.


  1. Hair - ___ hair, ___ hair, ___ hair, ___ hair, ___ hair.


  1. Face - ___ face, ___ face, ___ face, ___ face, ___ face.


  1. Man - ___ man, ___ man, ___ man, ___ man, ___ man.


  1. Glass - ___ glass, ___ glass, ___ glass, ___ glass, ___ glass.



  1. seven

  2. black

  3. woollen

  4. huge

  5. green

  6. dry

  7. Tree – tall, short, leafy, leafless, big, small.

  8. Hair – long, short, curly, untidy, combed, straight.

  9. Face – happy, sad, round, oval, beautiful, ugly.

  10. Man – fat, thin, kind, cruel, tall, short, handsome.

  11. Glass – full, empty, dirty, clean, small, big, tall.


More Adjectives


See the sentences.

I have one apple, but my friend has four mangoes.

How many apples? Answer: One

How many mangoes? Answer: Four


There is some milk in the glass.

How much milk? Answer: Some

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