
Adjectives Notes-1 (Level-6)

Adjectives-Study Notes-1


Use of some and any


Use of some :


  1. There are some clouds in the sky.

(some = meaning a few)


  1. Please give me some ketchup.

(some = meaning a little)


  1. Do you have some milk?

(some = meaning a little quantity)


Use of any :


  1. There aren’t any clouds in the sky.

(any = meaning zero clouds)


  1. I do not have any ketchup.

(any = meaning zero quantity)


  1. Is there any milk in the carton?

(any = meaning a small amount)


Some more information about adjectives

Articles – a / an / the


A – AN = one and so they are Adjectives of number.

THE – Points out to a specific noun and so it is a Demonstrative adjective.


  1. I bought a bouquet of roses.

(a bouquet = one bouquet. So a = adjective of number)


  1. There is an umbrella over there.

(an umbrella = one umbrella. So an = adjective of number)


  1. The blue car is quite dirty.

Click here for Exercise-1

