
Animal Life Worksheet-4

Animal Life Worksheet-4


  1. Why do some animals undergo hibernation during the winter?

(a) to enjoy a long sleep in dark cold days

(b) to gain energy from winter

(c) to protect their body fat

(d) to survive the winter without food


  1. Which of the following is not a reason for migration adaptation?

(a) to find a better climate (better weather)

(b) to find better food

(c) to find a better friend to live

(d) to find a safe place to live


  1. How many bones does a grown adult have in the skeletal system?

(a) 106                (b) 200               (c) 202               (d) 206


  1. A(n) _______ is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart. A(n) _______ is a blood vessel that carries blood to the heart.

(a) artery, vein                              (b) vein, artery

(c) artery, antiartery                    (d) vein, devein


  1. Which of the following is not a true difference between plants and animals?

(a) Plants make their own food and animals eat plants or other animals.

(b) Animals are mobile and most plants are stationary.

(c) Animals need water to survive but plants can live without it.

(d) Most plants have green color (due to chlorophyll) but animals don't have.


  1. Based on their backbone, how are animals classified?

(a) Two groups (vertebrates and invertebrates)

(b) Three groups (vertical backbone and horizontal backbone)

(c) Three groups (vertebrates, invertebrates, univertebrates)

(d) Two groups (univertebrates and bivertebrates)


  1. What is metamorphosis?

(a) A kind of habitat.  

(b) Changes in food habits.

(c) Physical changes during sleeping of certain animal.

(d) Physical changes during development of certain animal.


  1. How many stages does the incomplete metamorphosis have?

(a) One               (b) Two              (c) Three            (d) Four


  1. What happens when metamorphosis enters into larva stage?

(a) Larvae hatch from the Pupa.

(b) Larvae hatch from the eggs.

(c) Larvae make cocoons around themselves.

(d) Inside the cocoon, the larvae change into adults.


  1. What happens when metamorphosis enters into pupa stage?

(a) Inside the cocoon, the larvae change into adults.

(b) A female insects lays eggs.

(c) The eggs hatch into nymphs.

(d) Larvae make cocoons around themselves.


Answer Key:

(1)–(d); (2)–(c); (3)–(d); (4)–(a); (5)–(c); (6)–(a); (7)–(d); (8)–(c); (9)–(b); (10)–(d)