
Antonyms & Synonyms Worksheet-1

Antonyms & Synonyms Worksheet-1


  1. Find the antonyms of the following words : Wonderful

A. Capable         B. Terrible         C. Wonder         D. Obliged


  1. Find the antonyms of the following words : Abusive

A. Praising         B. Insulting       C. Scolding        D. Ordinary


  1. Find the antonyms of the following words : Fasten

A. Secure           B. Undo              C. Attach            D. Speed


  1. Choose the correct antonym of underlined word.

He vanished without a trace.

A. Disappeared                             B. Appeared

C. Approved                                  D. Rejected


  1. Choose the correct antonym of underlined word.

Heena asked her maid to carry the fragile porcelain plates with care.

A. Unbreakable                            B. Dirty

C. Delicate                                     D. Heavy


  1. Find the synonyms for the following word : Confess

A. Except           B. Deny              C. Admit            D. Decide


  1. Find the synonyms for the following word : Astonishment

A. Triumph       B. Strict              C. Collect           D. Surprise


  1. Find the synonyms for the following word : Assembly

A. Assistance    B. Quantity        C. Destruction  D. Gathering


  1. Replace the underlined words with correct synonyms.

Smoking is prohibited in all the work places.

A. Permitted     B. Banned          C. Allowed         D. Followed


  1. Replace the underlined words with correct synonyms.

We need to unite the community to fight poverty and crimes.

A. Separate       B. Join                C. Upset             D. Ask


Answer Key:

(1)-B; (2)-A; (3)-B; (4)-B; (5)-A; (6)-C; (7)-D; (8)-D; (9)-B; (10)-B