
Antonyms Study Notes-13

Antonyms Worksheet-13


  1. moist × dry

moist – slightly wet

example – Her eyes were moist due to tears.

dry – not wet, damp or sticky; without moisture or water

example – This coat will keep you dry in the rain.


  1. succeed × fail

succeed – to achieve something that you have been trying to do or get

example – If she tries hard, she’ll surely succeed.

fail – to not be successful in achieving something.

example – Doctors failed to save the child’s life.


  1. contract × expand

contract – an official written agreement

example – The film producer made the young singer sign a contract.

expand – something greater in size, number or importance

example – The showroom has expanded from one floor to five floors.


  1. depart × arrive

depart – to leave a place, especially to start a trip

example – The next train for Mumbai will depart from Platform no. 4.

arrive – to get to a place, especially at the end of a journey

example – Your parcel arrived yesterday.


  1. encourage × discourage

encourage – to give somebody support, courage or hope

example – All schools must encourage their students to participate in sports.

discourage – to try to stop someone doing something

example – Her parents tried to discourage her from being a model.


  1. honour × disgrace

honour – great respect or admiration for somebody

example – Mr. Sharma was the guest of honour in the prize distribution ceremony.

disgrace – the loss of other people’s respect and approval because of the bad way somebody has behaved

example – Manisha’s behavior has brought disgrace on her family.


  1. temporary × permanent

temporary – lasting or intended to last or be used only for a short time

example – I have got a temporary job in the school.

permanent – lasting for a long time or for all time in the future

example – Shrey now has a permanent job.


  1. former × latter

former – that used to exist in earlier times

example – The former Chairperson of the company was at the meeting.

latter – nearer to the end of a period of time than the beginning

example – The latter half of the movie was very boring.

  1. frequent × infrequent

frequent – happening or doing something often

example – My friend makes frequent trips abroad.

infrequent – not happening often

example – My friend’s letters became infrequent, then stopped completely.


  1. worthless × valuable

worthless – having no practical or financial value

example – These paintings are worthless.

valuable – very useful or important

example – Sanjay gave his wife a valuable diamond ring.


  1. accept × refuse

accept – to take willingly something that is offered

example – I have finally decided to accept your proposal.

refuse – to say that you do not want something that has been offered to you

example – Atul refused to discuss that matter anymore.


  1. accurate × inaccurate

accurate – correct and true in every detail

example – This watch is accurate.

inaccurate – not exact or accurate; with mistakes

example – Your answer is inaccurate.


  1. approval × disapproval

approval – the feeling that something or somebody is good or acceptable; a positive opinion of something or somebody

example – I am working very hard to get my senior’s approval.

disapproval – the feeling or opinion that someone or something is bad or wrong

example – My teacher looked at my assignment with disapproval.


  1. arrival × departure

arrival – an act of coming or being brought to a place

example – We are sorry for the late arrival of the flight.

departure – the act of leaving a place

example – You need to be at the airport two hours before departure.


  1. attractive × unattractive

attractive – pleasant to look at

example – Aishwarya is a very beautiful and attractive actress.

unattractive – not attractive or pleasant to look at

example – This brown dress looks very unattractive.


  1. build × demolish

build – to make something, especially a building, by putting parts together

example – I want to build a new house in this area.

demolish – to pull or knock down a building

example – The building is due to be demolished next month.


  1. bold × timid

bold – brave and confident

example – She made a bold attempt to stop the thief.

timid – shy and nervous

example – He was too timid to go to the principal’s office.


  1. capable × incapable

capable – having the ability or qualities necessary for doing something

example – She’s a very capable teacher.

incapable – not able to do something

example – Since he met with an accident he has been incapable of standing for longer hours.


  1. cheap × expensive

cheap – costing little money or less money than you expected

example – I would not like to buy a cheap dress for my birthday party.

expensive – costing a lot of money

example – I can’t afford to buy a laptop, it’s too expensive.


  1. frequent × seldom

frequent – happening often

example – My dad makes frequent trips abroad.

seldom – not often

example – He seldom goes to the market.