
Antonyms Study Notes-10

Antonyms Worksheet-10


  1. careful × careless

careful – making sure of avoiding potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious

example – Be careful while driving.

careless – not taking or showing enough care and attention

example – It was careless of her to leave the door open.


  1. clever × stupid

clever – having or showing the ability to learn and understand things quickly and easily

example – Atul is clever at getting what he wants.

stupid – silly or unwise; showing poor judgment or little intelligence

example – She made a stupid mistake.


  1. correct × incorrect

correct – free from error; in accordance with fact or truth

example – Please fill the form with correct details.

incorrect – not in accordance with fact; wrong

example – You are giving an incorrect answer.


  1. common × rare

common – the same in a lot of places or for a lot of people

example – Ram is a common Hindi name.

rare – not common; very unusual

example – Some animals and birds are becoming rare because of pollution.


  1. comfort × discomfort

comfort –  a pleasant feeling of being relaxed and free from pain

example – I need a hotel that offers a high standard of comfort and service.

discomfort – a feeling of being uncomfortable physically or mentally

example – You may experience some minor discomfort during your body massage.


  1. cruel × kind

cruel – extremely unkind and unpleasant and causing pain to others

example – My neighbour is very cruel and harsh.

kind – generous, helpful and thinking about other's feelings

example – Thanks for being so kind to me.


  1. cunning × shy

cunning – clever and good at deceiving people

example – Fox is a most cunning animal.

shy – nervous and uncomfortable with other people

example – Kashish is very shy with adults.


  1. danger × safety

danger – the possibility of harm or death to someone

example – Tigers are in danger of extinction.

safety – a state in which or a place where you are not in danger or at risk

example – I am looking for a place where children can play in safety.


  1. increase × decrease

increase – to become larger in amount or size

example – The price of petrol increased.

decrease – to become less, or to make something become less

example – Tigers are decreasing in numbers every year.


  1. definite × indefinite

definite – fixed, certain or clear

example – We have already fixed a definite date for the next meeting.

indefinite – not exact, not clear, or without clear limits

example – She is staying for an indefinite time.


  1. forget × remember

forget – fail to remember

example – Don’t forget that Mahak’s farewell party is on Friday.

remember – to keep something or someone in your mind

example – I can’t remember his phone number.


  1. guest × host

guest – a person who is invited to visit someone’s home 

example – We are having guests tonight.

 host – a person who receives or entertains other people as guests

example – Mrs. Jamwal was our host at the party.


  1. harmful × harmless

harmful – causing harm

example – Smoking is harmful to our health.

harmless – not able or not likely to cause harm

example – I prefer using products that are harmless to the environment.


  1. hate × love

hate – to dislike someone or something very much

example – I hate writing letters.

love – a strong feeling of affection

example – I love my parents.


  1. healthy × unhealthy

healthy – strong and well

example – It is healthy to eat fruits and vegetables.

unhealthy – not good for your health, or not strong and well

example – She looks very thin and unhealthy.


  1. height × depth

height – the measurement of someone or something from head to foot or from base to top

example – The architect measured the height of the building.

depth – the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something

example – The river has a depth of 12 metres.


  1. honest × dishonest

honest – telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal, cheat or lie

example – Please give me an honest opinion.

dishonest – behaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy, or insincere way

example – Beware of dishonest builders while buying any property.


  1. junior × senior

junior – lower in importance or position

example – I always try to help my juniors.

senior – higher in position or importance

example – We should always respect our seniors.


  1. mix × separate

mix – to combine, so that the result cannot easily be separated into its parts

example – If you mix red and yellow, you get orange.

separate – to move people or things away from each other

exampleSeparate the egg yolk from the white.


  1. attack × defend

attack – to try to hurt or defeat using violence

example – A man was admitted in the hospital after a serious attack by a car.

defend –  to protect someone or something against attack or criticism

example – Troops have been sent to defend the Kashmir borders.