
Antonyms Worksheet-2

Antonyms Worksheet-2


Multiple-Choice Questions:

Give the antonym of:

  1. full

(A) Unfull          (B) Filled           (C) Empty         (D) Emptily


  1. moving

(A) Motion        (B) Motionless  (C) Unmoved    (D) Immovable


  1. weak

(A) Feeble          (B) Faible          (C) Strength      (D) Strong


  1. lifeless

(A) Life               (B) Dead            (C) Lively           (D) Death


  1. enemy

(A) Foe               (B) Friend         (C) Enmity        (D) Friendliness


  1. visible

(A) Invisible      (B) Unvisible    (C) Seeing          (D) Unseeing


  1. cruel

(A) Callous        (B) Kind             (C) Unkind        (D) Unkindly


  1. vanish

(A) Disappear   (B) Appear        (C) Hide             (D) See


  1. impoverished

(A) Poverished                              (B) Poor

(C) Rich                                          (D) Weak


  1. bright

(A) Dull              (B) Shining        (C) Dully            (D) Duly


  1. sorrow

(A) Sorry            (B) Sadness       (C) Happiness  (D) Happily


  1. gigantic

(A) Tiny              (B) Huge            (C) Least            (D) Big


  1. mortal

(A) Living          (B) Dead            (C) Immortal    (D) Immoral


  1. dear

(A) Costly          (B) Endear        (C) Cheap          (D) Loved


  1. savoury

(A) Tasty            (B) Tasteless     (C) Delicious     (D) Enjoyed



  1. (C)

Exp: Empty = unfilled × full

  1. (B)

Exp: Motionless = still × movement

  1. (D)

Exp: Strong = mighty × weak

  1. (C)

Exp: Lively = alive × lifeless

  1. (B)

Exp: Friend = mate × enemy

  1. (A)

Exp: Invisible = unseen × visible

  1. (C)

Exp: Kind = gentle × cruel

  1. (B)

Exp: Appear = be seen × vanish

  1. (C)

Exp: Rich = wealthy × impoverished

  1. (A)

Exp: Dull = grey × bright

  1. (C)

Exp: Happiness = joy × sorrow

  1. (A)

Exp: Tiny = small × gigantic

  1. (C)

Exp: Immortal = indestructible × mortal

  1. (C)

Exp: Cheap = inexpensive × dear

  1. (B)

Exp: Tasteless = bland, unsavoury × savoury