
Algebraic Expressions and Equations Worksheet-1

Algebraic Expressions & Equations Worksheet-1

algebra free worksheets

  1. Shilpa had Rs.30 but she spent Rs.21. Which number sentence can be used to find out how much money Shilpa has left?

A. 30 + 21 = m                                        B. 30 − 21 = m

C. 30 × 21 = m                                        D. m ÷ 21 = 30


  1. James had n number of marbles. He lost 4 marbles at the park, and has left with 7 marbles now. Which equation represent the statement?

A. n − 4 = 7       B. n × 7 = 28     C. n ÷ 4 = 7       D. n + 4 = 7


  1. Find the value of n.

n ÷ 10 = 1

A. 0                     B. 100                 C. 1                      D. 10

Try math worksheets for multiplication

  1. In a bowling game, Rahul scored twice as many points as Pawan. If Rahul scored 320 points, how many points did Pawan score?

A. 640                B. 160                 C. 432                 D. 240


  1. Find the value of x in the following equation.

x ÷ 3 = 8

A. 11                    B. 5                      C. 9                     D. 24


  1. Nine times a number is 72. What is that number?

A. 7                      B. 8                     C. 9                     D. 13


  1. Madhuri earns Rs. 6 per hour by working at a library. If Madhuri worked for n hours, which option will calculate Madhuri's income?

A. 6 + n               B. 6n                   C. n - 6               D. n ÷ 6


  1. Letter that stands for an unknown number is called____.

A. constant        B. product         C. variable                  D. equation


  1. Evaluate:

12 decreased by 60

A. 5                      B. 48                   C. 72                   D. 10


  1. Write as an algebraic equation. A number n, divided by 5 is 10.

A. 5 ÷ n = 10                                  B. 10 ÷ n = 5

C. n ÷ 5 = 10                                  D. 5 × n = 50


Answer Keys

(1)–B; (2)–A; (3)–D; (4)–B; (5)–D; (6)–B; (7)–B; (8)–C; (9)–B; (10)–C