
Basic Geographical terminologies crossword puzzle

Basic Geographical terminologies crossword puzzle download activity sheet

Basic Geographical terminologies crossword puzzle worksheet download

WORD BANK: Altitude, atlas, axis, biosphere, boundary, crust, dune, equator, flood, island, lava, oasis, plateau, rain, volcano.

Basic Geographical terminologies crossword puzzle worksheet download


4. A mountain, through which magma, gases and ashes erupt and flow out.

6. Height of an object in the atmosphere above sea level.

7. Molten rock which flows to the Earth during a volcanic eruption.

9. The Earth's outermost layer.

11. A ridge made by windblown sand in arid and coastal areas.

12. An imaginary circle around the Earth halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole.

14. It is an overwhelming rise in the water level, which enters the settlement areas.

15. A body of land surrounded by water in all sides



1. A large area of land which is slightly raised and has a level surface

2. A fertile area in a desert or arid land, formed due to water being present in that particular area

3. A line indicating the limit of a country, state, or other political jurisdiction.

5. The realm of all living things.

8. An imaginary line, which runs through the North and South Pole. The earth rotates around this it.

10. The water that falls in drops, formed due to the condensation of vapor in the atmosphere.

13. A bound collection of maps.