
Basics of Biology Worksheet-2

Basics of Biology Worksheet-2


  1. What is the function of Chloroplast?

(a) It helps plant's growth.                 

(b) It is the control center of a cell.

(c) It provides storage area for food, water and waste.

(d) It is the food producing factory of a cell.


  1. What is the function of a Mitochondrion?

(a) It keeps cell cool.

(b) It generates energy for the cell.

(c) It is the control center of a cell.

(d) It holds the cell together.


  1. How do the members of fungus kingdom get their food?

(a) They absorb food from the soil.

(b) They absorb food from their environment.

(c) They eat their food from air only.

(d) They do not need food.


  1. Which of the following is not a member of the fungus kingdom?

(a) Mildews       (b) Yeasts          (c) Rice              (d) Molds


  1. Which part of a cell is also known as a plant cell's food factory?

(a) Chromosomes                        (b) Vacuole

(c) Chloroplasts                            (d) Cytoplasm


  1. Which part of a cell provides energy to the cell?

(a) Mitochondria                          (b) Nucleus

(c) Cytoplasm                                (d) Chloroplasts


  1. What happens to the chromosomes during cell reproduction?

(a) Chromosomes are destroyed.

(b) Chromosomes are multiplied three times.

(c) Cell makes a copy of its chromosomes and then combines them.

(d) Cell makes a copy of its chromosomes and then splits them.


  1. Two major part of a chromosome are _____________.

(a) RNA and proteins                  (b) DNA and proteins

(c) DNA and cytoplasm              (d) RNA and cytoplasm


  1. Where do microorganisms live?

(a) Almost everywhere on Earth

(b) On a dry and cold place

(c) In oceans

(d) In rivers


  1. What is an essential element for bacteria to survive?

(a) Nitrogen      (b) Sulphur       (c) Soil                (d) Liquid water


Answer Key:

(1)–(d); (2)–(b); (3)–(b); (4)–(c); (5)–(c); (6)–(a); (7)–(a); (8)–(b); (9)–(a); (10)–(d)