
Basics of Chemistry Worksheet-4

Basics of Chemistry Worksheet-4


  1. What is the center part of an atom called?

(a) element        (b) proton          (c) nucleus        (d) electron


  1. What is the positively charged particle in the nucleus?

(a) electron       (b) proton          (c) neutrons      (d) orbit


  1. Original substances used for a chemical reaction are called _____.

(a) product                                      (b) reactant                

(c) original substances                (d) reaction energy


  1. The substance created as a result of a chemical reaction is called _____.

(a) product                                      (b) reactant                

(c) catalyst                                      (d) electromagnetic waves


  1. Which of the following action will neutralize an acid?

(a) Adding some water.               (b) Heating it.

(c) Freezing it.                               (d) Mixing it with a base.


  1. What is the use of a litmus paper?

(a) It is an indicator that can tell if a solution is hot or cold.

(b) It is an indicator that can tell if a solution is an acid or a base.

(c) It is a paper used for filtration.

(d) It is a paper used for data collection.


  1. According to the graph shown above, what is the melting point of water?

(a) 100ºC          (b) −20ºC         (c) 60ºC             (d) 0ºC


  1. What will be the phase of compound A at 80º?

(a) Liquid          (b) Solid             (c) Gas                (d) Vapor


  1. Which of the following material can be used to make electric wire?

(a) Foam insulator                        (b) Copper

(c) Plastic                                        (d) Wood


  1. Objects that are lighter (or lower in density) than water will float on the water because of ______.

(a) static                                           (b) buoyancy

(c) temperature                             (d) gravity


Answer Key:

(1)–(c); (2)–(b); (3)–(b); (4)–(a); (5)–(d); (6)–(b); (7)–(d); (8)–(a); (9)–(b); (10)–(b)