
Basics of Physics Worksheet-1

Basics of Physics Worksheet-1


  1. Which of the following items can make a simple circuit?

(a) An electrical power source, a switching device and plastic rods

(b) A heat source, a conducting device and connecting wire

(c) A water source, an electric device and connecting wire

(d) An electrical power source, an electric device and connecting wire


  1. How is a dry cell different from a wet cell?

(a) Dry cell contains chemicals in a moist paste form, while wet cell contains chemicals in a liquid state

(b) Dry cell contains chemicals in a liquid state form, while wet cell contains chemicals in a moist paste

(c) Dry cell must be kept dry

(d) Wet cell must be kept in liquids


  1. What will happen when a negative charge is connected to a positive charge through a conducting wire?

(a) Electrons will flow from positive charge to the negative charge.

(b) Electrons will flow from negative charge to the positive charge.

(c) Negative charge will increase.

(d) Positive charge will increase.


  1. An instrument that is used to create the image of sound wave is called ______.

(a) Radar                                         (b) Oscilloscope

(c) Microphone                              (d) Diagraph


  1. Which of the following object is the best conductor of heat?

(a) Steel Rod                                   (b) Paper Cup  

(c) Wooden Pencil                         (d) Brick


  1. What is the unit for measuring frequency?

(a) Hertz (Hz)                                 (b) Decibel (dB)

(c) Volt (V)                                      (d) Vibration (Vb)


  1. What color will you see if equal amount of red, blue and green color of light falls on your ratina?

(a) Rainbow      (b) White           (c) Black             (d) None of the above


  1. Where would you find the strongest magnetic force around a magnet?

(a) Near North pole                      (b) Near South pole

(c) Near North and South pole  (d) Between North and South pole


  1. What is the freezing point of water?

(a) 32º Fahrenheit                        (b) 0º Fahrenheit

(c) 100º Fahrenheit                     (d) 100º Centigrade


  1. Which two objects will have the smallest gravitational pull between them?

           (a) A and B      (b) B and D       (c) A and C        (d) C and D


Answer Key:

(1)–(d); (2)–(a); (3)–(b); (4)–(b); (5)–(a); (6)–(a); (7)–(b); (8)–(c); (9)–(a); (10)–(d)