
Control and coordination Worksheet-13

Control and coordination Worksheet-13


Subjective question:

  1. Name three stimuli which act on plants?


  1. What is phytohormone?


  1. What is meant by tropism?


  1. Name the three types of tropism?


  1. Define geotropism


  1. Define chemotropism.


  1. State the function of parathormone hormone.


  1. Define hydrotropism.


  1. What is neuron?


  1. What is ganglion?


  1. What is meant by receptors?


  1. What do you mean by effectors?


  1. Name the three components of neuron.


  1. What is a synapse?


  1. What is cranium?


  1. State the function of growth hormone.


  1. What is the function of cranium?


  1. What are meanings?


  1. The human brain is broadly classified into three regions. Name these three regions.


  1. Write the function of cerebrum.


  1. Write the name of regions of hind brain.


  1. What is spinal cord?


  1. Give one function of spinal cord.


  1. Name the three types of nerves that constitute peripheral nervous system.


  1. Define reflex arc.


  1. State the function of thyroxine hormone


  1. State the function of adrenalin hormone.