


Nature and occurrence:

  • Nucleus is an important component of the cell.
  • It acts as control centre of activities of the cell hence it is also known as Brain of the Cell.
  • It is spherical organelle located in the centre of the cell in animal cells.
  • In plants, it is pushed towards the side of the cell.
  • In some cells, it maybe oval irregular or lobed as in case of white blood cells.



  • It is composed of various parts. They are: nuclear membrane, nucleopore, nucleolus, nucleoplasm, and chromosomes or chromatin.


Nuclear membrane:

  • It is a double membrane structure which separates nuclear material from cytoplasm.
  • It is also associated with the system of other membrane bound tubules like that of endoplasmic reticulum.
  • It serves as a barrier between nucleus and cytoplasm.



  • Nuclear membrane is discontinuous due to which pores are formed in between and these pores are known as nucleopore.
  • These pore allow the transfer of material between the nucleoplasm and cytoplasm.



  • A smaller spherical body in the nucleus which is devoid of any membrane.
  • It is a region where RNA and proteins are richly present.
  • It is also involved in the formation of ribosomes.



  • The jelly like substance filled in nucleus.



  • Chromosomes appear as rod shaped structures during cell division.
  • They carry genes and help in inheritance or transfer of characters from the parents to the offspring.
  • Gene is a functional unit of inheritance in living organisms which is made up of DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) and proteins.
  • DNA is made up of small units called nucleotides which are made up of sugar, phosphate and base.
  • It carries information necessary for constructing and organizing cell.
  • Genes controls the transfer of hereditary characteristic from parents to offspring.
  • In a non dividing cell, chromosome appears as a mass of entangled thread which is known as chromatin.


Nucleus in prokaryotes:

  • In prokaryotes, nucleus with developed membrane is absent rather chromosome is present in a region called as nucleoid.
  • Such cells also lack membrane bound organelles.



  • It controls all the metabolic activities of the cell.
  • It regulates the cell cycle that means it controls the rate of cell division.
  • It contain genes thus helps in transferring information from one generation to the next.