
Types of adverbs Worksheet-7

Types of adverbs Worksheet-7


See the underlined adverb and state its kind:

  1. Sunita cried bitterly when she lost her new pen.

A. Adverb of frequency               B. Interrogative adverb

C. Adverb of time                         D. Adverb of manner


  1. He does his exercises everyday.

A. Adverb of frequency               B. Adverb of time

C. Adverb of manner                   D. Adverb of place


  1. How did you know this?

A. Adverb of manner                   B. Adverb of frequency

C. Interrogative adverb               D. Adverb of place


  1. She always comes to my place.

A. Adverb of place                        B. Adverb of frequency

C. Adverb of time                         D. Adverb of manner


  1. They lived happily ever after.

A. Interrogative adverb               B. Adverb of manner

C. Adverb of place                        D. Adverb of frequency


  1. We play outside after we finish our homework.

A. Adverb of manner                   B. Adverb of frequency

C. Adverb of time                         D. Adverb of place


  1. Why is Anil not here today?

A. Interrogative adverb               B. Adverb of manner

C. Adverb of frequency               D. Adverb of place


  1. “Don’t sit here,” said Sunita.

A. Adverb of place                        B. Adverb of time

C. Interrogative adverb               D. Adverb of manner


  1. The train will come soon.

A. Adverb of frequency               B. Interrogative adverb

C. Adverb of time                         D. Adverb of place


  1. Hitesh visits his mother daily.

A. Adverb of manner                   B. Adverb of time

C. Adverb of place                        D. Adverb of frequency


Answer Key:

  1. D

Explanation: Since ‘bitterly’ tells us ‘how’; it is an adverb of manner.


  1. B

Explanation: Since ‘everyday’ tells us ‘when’; it is an adverb of time.


  1. C

Explanation: Since ‘how’ asks a question it is an interrogative adverb.


  1. B

Explanation: Since ‘always’ tells us ‘how many times’; it is an adverb of frequency.


  1. B

Explanation: Since ‘happily’ tells us ‘how’; it is an adverb of manner.


  1. D

Explanation: Since ‘outside’ tells us ‘where’; it is an adverb of place.


  1. A

Explanation: Since ‘why’ asks a question, it is an interrogative adverb.


  1. A

Explanation: Since ‘here’ tells us ‘where’; it is an adverb of place.


  1. C

Explanation: Since ‘soon’ tells us ‘when’; it is an adverb of time.


  1. D

Explanation: Since ‘daily’ tells us ‘how many times’; it is an adverb of frequency.