
Water and its importance Worksheet-5

Water and its importance Worksheet-5


Multiple -Choice Question:

  1. Moisture that falls to the ground in the form of sleet, rain or snow, ice is called.

(a) Vapours                                      (b) Evaporation

(c) Condensation                             (d) Precipitation


  1. What are the three critical processes that are part of the water cycle?

(a) Evaporation, transpiration, and respiration

(b) Evaporation, precipitation, and condensation

(c) Evaporation, condensation, and humidity

(d) Evaporation, condensation, and transpiration


  1. The unique properties of water are important to:

(a) Plants, use water to transport nutrients

(b) Ecology of lakes, streams, and oceans

(c)  Animals, whose blood must contain water to move all chemicals they need to survive

(d) All of these


  1. Water become less dense when the temperature decreases from 4oC to 0oC, water that is near the freezing point will be found:

(a) At the mid-level of a lake          (b) On the surface of a lake

(c) On the bottom of a lake            (d) Only next to the shore


  1. Phase changes of water occur when:

(a) Liquid changes to steam           (b) Liquid changes to ice

(c) Ice changes to liquid                  (d) All of these


  1. When water freezes, it:

(a) becomes denser causing ice to sink

(b) Increases in volume, which causes ice to float.

(c) Any of these

(d) decreases in volume


  1. Energy is lost from water when:

(a) steam changes to liquid

(b) ice changes to liquid

(c) the water temperature increases

(d) liquid changes to steam


  1. Water is called the universal solvent because:

(a) Water dissolves everything

(b) Water dissolves nothing

(c) Water dissolves more substances than any other solvent.

(d) None of these


  1. Which is the longest river in the world?

(a) Nile river                                     (b) Amazon river

(c) Mississippi river                         (d) River Volga


  1. What name is given to a plant that has specially adapted itself to grow in salty water?

(a) Hydrophyte   (b) Halophyte      (c) Haloplant       (d) Hydroplant


Answer Key:

  1. (d)
  2. (b)
  3. (d)
  4. (b)
  5. (d)
  6. (b)
  7. (a)
  8. (c)
  9. (a)
  10. (b)