
Cell - Structure and Functions Worksheet-1

Cell - Structure and Functions Worksheet-1


  1. Some cells of our body can be over a foot long. These are:

(a) Nerve cells                               (b) Muscle cells

(c) Bone cells                                 (d) Gland cells


  1. Blood is:

(a) Epithelial tissue                      (b) Muscle tissue

(c) Connective tissue                   (d) Nervous tissue


  1. The cell shown above cannot be an animal cell because it has:

I        –  Cytoplasm

II      –  A nucleus

III     –  A cell wall

IV     –  A large vacuole

(a) I and II only                             (b) I and III only

(c) II and IV only                          (d) III and IV only


  1. Some plants have chloroplasts. What is the function of the chloroplasts?

(a) To absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis

(b) To break up water into hydrogen and oxygen during photosynthesis

(c) It has chlorophyll for absorbing light energy

(d) To form starch and glucose in sunlight


  1. Which one of the following sentences is false?

(a) The cells of a whale are much larger than that of an ant

(b) The cells in our body continue to grow and divide to replace the old and damaged ones

(c) The nucleus controls most of the cellular activities within the cell

(d) The cell wall gives plant cells a regular shape


  1. Which of the following is an example of an organ that contains a smooth muscle?

(a) Iris of eye only                        (b) Uterus only

(c) Bronchi only                            (d) All of these


  1. Nervous system consists of:

(a) Brain                                         (b) Spinal cord

(c) Cranial and spinal nerves    (d) All of these


  1. Which type of tissue supports, defends and stores food in animals?

(a) Epithelial                                 (b) Connective

(c) Nervous                                    (d) Muscular


  1. Which type of tissue lines body cavities and covers body surface?

(a) Nervous tissue                        (b) Muscle tissue

(c) Epithelial tissue                      (d) Connective tissue


  1. Which type of tissue is responsible for receiving, interpreting and producing a response to stimuli?

(a) Muscle tissue                          (b) Nervous tissue

(c) Epithelial tissue                      (d) Connective tissue


  1. Golgi apparatus are involved in:

(a) Transporting proteins that are to be released from the cell only

(b) Packaging proteins into vesicles only

(c) Altering or modifying proteins only

(d) all of these


  1. Carbohydrates of plasma membrane help in:

(a) Passive transport                   (b) Active transport

(c) Cell adhesion                           (d) Cellular recognition


  1. Cell is best defined as:

(a) The largest part of a living being

(b) The part that can be seen only under microscope

(c) The starting point in the life of all organisms

(d) The structural and functional unit of life


  1. Which of the following gives the cell its shape, maintains its size, protects the structures inside the cell and is selectively permeable?

(a) Cell wall                                   (b) Nuclear membrane

(c) Cell membrane                       (d) Tonoplast


  1. The jellylike substance inside the plasma membrane in which all the cell organelles are floating is called:

(a) Cytoplasm                               (b) Tonoplasm

(c) Karyoplasm                             (d) Cellsap


Answer Key:

(1)-(a); (2)-(c); (3)-(d); (4)-(c); (5)-(a); (6)-(d); (7)-(d); (8)-(b); (9)-(c); (10)-(b); (11)-(d); (12)-(d); (13)-(d); (14)-(c); (15)-(a)