
Verbs worksheet-1

Verbs Worksheet-1


  1. Anu and Manu raked the soil. Geetu _________the seeds.

(a) plants           (b) plant             (c) planting       (d) planted


  1. Ajav and Vijay jumped over the log. Monu ________ over it.

(a) stepped        (b)stepping       (c) steps             (d) stepper


  1. The duck was _______ in the lake.

(a) swims                                        (b) swimming

(c) swim                                          (d) swam


  1. Smita________the cake yesterday.

(a) bakes            (b) baking          (c) baker            (d) baked


  1. The frog is _________ across the road.

(a) hopped         (b) hops             (c) hopping       (d) hop


  1. The ships __________ in the blue sea.

(a) sail                (b) sails              (c) sailed            (d) sailing


  1. Choose if the verb is in the past, present, or future tense.

They will swim in the pool.

(a) present         (b) past              (c) future            (d) none of these


  1. Is the verb in this sentence past, present, or future?

Amy likes her best  friend Bobby.

(a) present         (b) past              (c) future            (d) none of these


  1. Tommy ran home after school.

Which word below is the verb?

(a) home            (b) Tommy        (c) ran                (d)after


  1. Choose the future-tense verb.

(a) will play       (b) played          (c) play               (d) plays



  1. d

  2. a

  3. b

  4. d

  5. c

  6. a

  7. c

  8. a

  9. c

  10. a