
English Olympiad Grade 1 Miscellaneous Worksheet-3

Miscellaneous Worksheet-3

  1. Select the part of speech of the underlined word in each sentence.

       The sick man asked for help.

       A. Adjective       B. Noun              C. Verb               D. None of these


  1. Select the part of speech of the underlined word in each sentence.

       Jack bought a new bike.

       A. Verb               B. Adjective       C. Noun              D. All of these


  1. Select the part of speech of the underlined word in each sentence.

       I found a shell at the beach.

       A. Verb               B. Adjective       C. Noun              D. None of these


  1. Select the part of speech of the underlined word in each sentence.

       She has a big dog.

       A. Noun              B. Verb               C. Adjective       D. None of these


  1. Select the part of speech of the underlined word in each sentence.

       Tina is a graceful dancer.

       A. Noun              B. Adjective       C. Verb               D. All of these


(11)–A; (12)–C; (13)–A; (14)–C; (15)–B