
Maths Olympiad Grade 3 Addition and Subtraction Worksheet-8

Addition and Subtraction worksheet-8


  1. If this  equals to one, then

       What is



       A. 24                   B. 20                   C. 16                    D. 10


  1. Madhavi wanted to buy a pen that costs Rs. 15. She had Rs. 7. How much more does she need to buy the pen?

       A. Rs.22             B. Rs. 12             C. Rs.8               D. Rs.3

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  1. A number machine takes any number put into it, adds 20, then subtracts 10, and then adds 8. If the number 13 is put into the machine, what number comes out?

       A. 13                    B. 23                   C. 31                    D. 33


  1. Asha had 90 days of summer vacation. Each day she did one fun exercise. She swam on 33 of the days and played basketball on 24 of the days. She rode her bike on all the other days of her vacation. Which number sentence shows one way to find the number of days that Asha rode her bike?

       A. 90 – 33 + 24                            B. 90 + 24 + 33

       C. 90 + 33 – 24                            D. 90 – 24 – 33


  1. What numeral means the same as 800 – 6?

       A. 860                B. 806                C. 794                 D. 608


  1. What number is missing in the pattern below?

       57     51      45     39     ?

       A. 33                   B. 42                   C. 45                  D. 93


  1. A large can of Honey costs Rs. 75 more than a small can of Honey.

       If □ represents the price of one large can of Honey, which expression shows the price of one small can of Honey?

       A. 75 – □                                         B. □ – 75

       C. 75 + □                                         D. 75 – □ + 75


  1. Find the exact answer for '900 – 201'?

       A. 699                 B. 700                C. 701                 D. 799


  1. If this pattern continues, what is the next number?

       5, 8, 7, 10, 9, 12, 11,?

       A. 10                   B. 14                    C. 12                    D. 8


  1. 310 – 0 = _____

       A. 32                   B. 310                 C. 3100              D. 0


(11)–A; (12)–C; (13)–C; (14)–D; (15)–C; (16)–A; (17)–B; (18)–A; (19)–B; (20)–B