
Environmental Studies Worksheet-1

Environmental Studies Worksheet-1

Study the following figure and answer the Q. 1-Q.3.

  1. The state of water in the first beaker is ____.

A. Liquid            B. Solid              C. Gas                 D. None


  1. The ice present in the first beaker becomes water upon ____.

A. Cooling                                      B. Heating

C. Evaporation                              D. Condensation


  1. To obtain water from water vapour, we should ____ the water vapour.

A. Heat               B. Evaporate     C. Condense      D. Do nothing


  1. Which of the following is not a natural resource?

A. Ink                  B. Metal             C. Soil                 D. Oxygen


  1. An organism that lives on or inside another animal is called _____.

A. Fern               B. Moss              C. Bug                D. Parasite


  1. Pucca houses are built with ______.

A. Baked bricks                            B. Unbaked bricks

C. Mud and straw                        D. Ice and straw


  1. What happens in high tide and low tide?

A. Water level rises in high tide and recedes in low tide.

B. Water level recedes in high tide and rises in low tide.

C. Water temperature rises in high tide and recedes in low tide.

D. Water temperature recedes in high tide and rises in low tide.


  1. What is the habitat of Dolphins?

A. Mountain      B. Tree tops       C. Ocean            D. Rock beds


  1. Which of the following conversion is correct?

A. Water → Steam → Ice

B. Steam → Water Ice

C. Water → Ice → Steam

D. Steam → Ice → Water


  1. Soil is made of ____ things.

A. real and imaginary                 B. red and brown

C. living and nonliving                D. sand and grass


Answer Key:

(1)–B; (2)–B; (3)–C; (4)–A; (5)–D; (6)–A; (7)–A; (8)–C; (9)–B; (10)–C


Extra Miles :

High tide and low tide

The occurrence of high tides depends on the position of the moon. Since moon revolves around the Earth, the part of the Earth that faces the moon changes. The moon’s gravitational pull is strongest on the part of the Earth that faces the moon and when that part is a part of ocean then the water there bulges towards the moon.

Moon's gravitational force pulls on water in the oceans so that there are "bulges" in the ocean on both sides of the Earth. The moon pulls water toward it, and this causes the bulge toward the moon.

The bulge on the side of the Earth opposite the moon is caused by the moon "pulling the Earth away" from the water on that side.

If we are on the coast and the moon is directly overhead, we experience a high tide. If the moon is directly overhead on the opposite side of the planet, we experience a high tide.

high and low tides