Plant Life Worksheet-5
After taking out the onions from the ground, the dried leaves from the top of them are cut by ____.
A. lllige B. Kurige C. Khunti D. None of these
This implement is used to dig, loosen and make soil soft. In Karnataka it is called ____.
A. Khunti B. Kurige C. lllige D. Daat.
Which of the following processes is responsible for the release of oxygen by plants?
A. Respiration B. Digestion
C. Reproduction D. Photosynthesis
Which of the following are called food factories of the plant?
A. Leaves B. Stem C. Roots D. Flowers
Which of the following structures of plant exchange gases?
A. Buds B. Fruits C. Leaves D. Flowers
What does the male part of a flower produce?
A. Pollen B. Egg C. Stems D. Seed
Which element is NOT necessary for plant growth?
A. Water B. Air C. Sunlight D. Mulch
Spinach is a ______ of a spinach plant.
A. Leaf B. Fruit C. Flower D. Stem
The plant that grows in deserts and needs very little water is called ____
A. Moss B. Fern C. Herbs D. Cactus
Which part of a plant produces seeds?
A. Root B. Stem C. Leaf D. Fruit
Answer Key:
(1)–A; (2)–A; (3)–D; (4)–A; (5)–C; (6)–A; (7)–D; (8)–A; (9)–D; (10)–D