
Types of phrases Worksheet-1

Types of phrases Worksheet-1


See the underlined phrase and state its kind:

  1. The leaves of these trees are shining.

A. Adverb phrase                          B. Adjective phrase

C. Noun phrase                             D. None of these


  1. Hitesh spoke to Sunil in a rude manner.

A. Noun phrase                             B. Adverb phrase

C. Adjective phrase                      D. None of these


  1. Children like books with many pictures.

A. Adverb phrase                          B. Noun phrase

C. Adjective phrase                      D. None of these


  1. Who wants to go for a movie?

A. Noun phrase                             B. None of them

C. Adverb phrase                          D. Adjective phrase


  1. Sunil talks like a natural orator.

A. Noun phrase                             B. Adjective phrase

C. None of these                            D. Adverb phrase


  1. I was sad to hear of your loss.

A. Adjective phrase                      B. Noun phrase

C. Adverb phrase                          D. None of these


  1. This man is trustworthy beyond any doubt.

A. Adverb phrase                          B. Adjective phrase

C. Noun phrase                             D. None of these


  1. We all hope to see you soon.

A. Noun phrase                             B. Adverb phrase

C. None of these                            D. Adjective phrase


  1. Nearly everyone enjoys watching a cricket match.

A. Noun phrase                             B. None of these

C. Adjective phrase                      D. Adverb phrase


  1. Our Principal is a woman of great principles.

A. Noun phrase                             B. Adverb phrase

C. None of these                            D. Adjective phrase


Answer Key:

  1. B

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adjective; hence it is an adjective phrase.


  1. B

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adverb; hence it is an adverb phrase.


  1. C

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adjective; hence it is an adjective phrase.


  1. A

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of a noun; hence it is a noun phrase.


  1. B

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adjective; hence it is an adjective phrase.


  1. C

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adverb; hence it is an adverb phrase.


  1. A

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adverb; hence it is an adverb phrase.


  1. A

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of a noun; hence it is a noun phrase.


  1. A

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of a noun; hence it is a noun phrase.


  1. D

Explanation: The underlined phrase does the work of an adjective; hence it is an adjective phrase.