
Soil Worksheet-1

Soil Worksheet-1


  1. Water holding capacity is least in

(a) Loam            (b) Clay              (c) Sand             (d) Humus


  1. Which of the following is not eco-friendly?

(a) Paper           (b) Cloth            (c) Wood            (d) Plastics


  1. Which layer of soil is the home of burrowing animals?

(a) A-horizon                                 (b) B-horizon

(c) C-horizon                                 (d) None of these


  1. Which type of soil is good for farming?

(a) Clayey soil

(b) Sandy soil

(c) Loamy soil

(d) Both Clayey soil and Loamy soil


  1. Which of the following organisms contribute to soil formation?

(a) Bacteria                                    (b) Fungi

(c) Earthworm                              (d) All of these


  1. The break up of rocks by agents like temperature changes, wind and rain is called

(a) Denudation                             (b) Weathering

(c) Erosion                                     (d) Gradation


  1. What is the name for soils that are rich in calcium?

(Hint: It is a class of soil which forms in semiarid and arid regions)

(a) pedocals      (b)  laterites      (c) pedalfers     (d) evaporates


  1. Which of the following process is not an example of chemical weathering?

(a) breakdown of feldspar to form clay

(b) dissolution of calcite

(c)  rusting of a nail

(d) splitting of a rock along a fracture


  1. If the parent material and period of soil formation are similar, we would expect to find the most highly weathered soils ______.

(a) on steep, high-elevation mountain slopes

(b)  in hot desert areas subject to intense sun and high winds

(c) in areas with cold, dry climates

(d)  in hot, humid, tropical regions


  1. In which of the following climates will chemical weathering be most rapid?

(a) hot and humid                        (b)  cold and dry

(c)  cold and humid                     (d)  hot and dry


  1. In which environment is frost wedging likely to be prevalent?

(a) a desert                                     (b) a high mountain

(c)  polar areas                              (d) a tropical rain forest


  1. Which of the following minerals weather rapidly at the Earth's surface?

(a) quartz          (b) biotite          (c) olivine          (d) kaolinite


Answer Key:

  1. (c)
  2. (d)
  3. (c)
  4. (c)
  5. (d)
  6. (b)
  7. (a)
  8. (a)
  9. (d)
  10. (a)
  11. (b)
  12. (c)