
Cell - Structure and Functions Worksheet-3

Cell - Structure and Functions Worksheet-3


  1. Cheek cells are made up of:

(a) Muscle cells                             (b) Epithelial cells

(c) Nerve cells                               (d) Brain cells


  1. Cell membrane is:

(a) Selectively permeable           (b) Impermeable

(c) Differentially permeable      (d) All of these


  1. Holozoic unicellular organisms/s is/are:

(a) amoeba                                    (b) Paramoecium

(c) amoeba & Paramoecium     (d) None of these


  1. The component of the cell with hereditary material is.

(a) nucleus in the cell                  (b) Protoplasm

(c) Cytoplasm                                (d) plastid


  1. Non-living part of the plant cell is:

(a) nucleus                                     (b) cytoplasm

(c) mitochondrion                        (d) cell wall


  1. Mitochondria helps in the process of:

(a) protein synthesis                   (b) respiration

(c) photosynthesis                        (d) transpiration


  1. DNA and RNA are found in the:

(a) nucleus        (b) cell wall       (c) cell sap         (d) vacuole


  1. Protein synthesis is associated with:

(a) ribosomes                                (b) mitochondria

(c) Golgi bodies                             (d) centrosomes


  1. The vacuoles in the cells are filled up with:

(a) water            (b) cell sap        (c) protoplasm (d) gases


  1. Nucleus is concerned with:

(a) respiration

(b) secretion

(c) control of cellular activities

(d) protein synthesis


  1. Bacteria are considered more as plants than animals because of the presence of:

(a) DNA                                          (b) plasma membrane

(c) cell wall                                    (d) mitochondria


  1. The yellow and orange colour of petals and fruits are due to:

(a) chloroplasts                             (b) chromoplasts

(c) leucoplasts                               (d) anthocyanin


  1. One of the following does not possess nuclear membrane in its cells.

(a) Chlamydomonas                    (b) Blue-green algae

(c) Riccia                                        (d) Cycas


  1. Mitochondria are absent in:

(a) fungi                                          (b) bacteria & blue-green algae

(c) animal cells                             (d) plant cells


  1. Cell organelle that is responsible for the autolysis of a cell is:

(a) dictyosome                              (b) lysosome

(c) peroxisome                              (d) glyoxysome


Answer Key:

(1)-(b); (2)-(a); (3)-(c); (4)-(a); (5)-(d); (6)-(b); (7)-(a); (8)-(a); (9)-(b); (10)-(c); (11)-(c); (12)-(b); (13)-(b); (14)-(b); (15)-(b)