
Math Olympiad Grade 3 Geometry Worksheet-8

Geometry Worksheet-8


  1. Which letter has no line of symmetry?

       A. S                     B. N                     C. R                     D. all of these


  1. What do you call a polygon that has 4 sides?

       A. Triangle                                     B. Hexagon

       C. Quadrilateral                            D. Decagon

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  1. What is the total number of faces on this rectangular prism?

       A. 4                     B. 5                      C. 6                     D. 8


  1. Which shape is congruent to this shape?

       A. B and D         B. A and B         C. A and C         D. A and D


  1. Which of the following figures has 6 faces?

       A. cone               B. cube               C. cylinder         D. circle


  1. How many sides does a trapezoid have?

       A. 5                      B. 4                     C. 6                    D. 9


  1. Which of the following geometric terms best describes what is happening to the letter "A" in the picture shown below?

       A. slide               B. flip                  C. rotation         D. translation


  1. Identify the angle shown below.

       A. obtuse            B. acute              C. right               D. straight

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  1. The figures shown below are examples of which of the following?

       A. flip                  B. slide               C. reflection      D. turn



(11)–D; (12)–C; (13)–C; (14)–C; (15)–B; (16)–B; (17)–C; (18)–A; (19)–B