


Fill in the blanks:

  1. The insects, butterflies, honeybees and birds help flowering plants in ______.

      Ans: pollination

  1. Herbs form the ______ layer in the forest.

      Ans:  lowest

  1. The decaying leaves and animal droppings in a forest enrich the ______.

      Ans: soil

  1. _____ of trees help to bind the soil particles together and prevent soil erosion.

      Ans: roots

  1. _____ trees provide quinine for treating malaria.

      Ans: Cinchona


Tick the correct answer:

  1. Which of the following statements is not true?

(a) Forests influence the climate and water cycle.

(b) Soil helps forests to grow and regenerate.

(c) Forests protect the soil from erosion.

(d) Plants and animals in a forest are not dependent on one another.

      Ans: (d)


  1. Which of the following is not a forest product?

(a) Kerosene

(b) Gum

(c) Sealing wax

(d) Plywood

      Ans: (a)


  1. Trees that act as windbreakers:

(a) Coconut and palm

(b) Teak and sal

(c) Mango and coconut

(d) Jackfruit and orange

      Ans: (a)


  1. Plants that give us medicine:

(a) Vanilla and kewra

(b) Pine and sandalwood

(c) Neem and eucalyptus

(d) All of the these

      Ans: (c)


  1. Micro-organisms act upon the dead plants to produce

(a) Wood

(b) Mushrooms

(c) Sand

(d) Humus

      Ans: (d)