
Conjunction Exercise–4 (Level-6)



  1. The t-shirts are still wet ____ they have been drying for hours. [if / although]


  1. Carrots are good for eyesight ____ they contain Vitamin A. [if / since]


  1. India’s coastline is vast ____ she has a powerful naval force. [therefore / but]


  1. Ants are ____ industrious ____ they work all summer. [as well as / so-that]


  1. People give presents to each other ____ it is Christmas. [so / when]


  1. Donkeys can carry loads ____ they are called beasts of burden. [hence / as]


  1. The roses are ____ beautiful ____ exotic. [not only-but also / so-that]


  1. Teachers use chalk sticks ____ erasers when they teach. [so-as / as well as]


  1.  “Two ____ two make four,” said Madam. [and / but]


  1. John bought a basket for Sheila ____ she already has one. [and / although]


  1. A horse is not only strong ____ very fast. [but-so / but-also]


  1. ____ was the announcement made ____ people made a queue. [no sooner-than / as soon-as]


  1. ____ Christmas approaches, people start buying these trees. [as soon as / no sooner-than]


  1. Carry your umbrella ____ it might rain. [since / therefore]


  1. The nurse left ____ she finished her work. [therefore / as soon as]



  1. although

  2. since

  3. therefore

  4. so-that

  5. when

  6. hence

  7. not only-but also

  8. as well as

  9. and

  10. although

  11. but-also

  12. no sooner-than

  13. as soon as

  14. since

  15. as soon as

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