
Conservation of Plants and Animals Worksheet-7

Conservation of Plants and Animals Worksheet-7


  1. Plantation of rows of trees and shrubs along roads, rails, around residential complexes, educational institutes etc. is called

(a) Green muffler

(b) Shelter belt

(c) Wind break

(d) Both Shelter belt & Wind break


  1. Match the following and select the correct option from the codes given below.

(a) (A)-(IV); (B)-(II); (C)-(V); (D)-(I); (E)-(III)

(b) (A)-(II); (B)-(IV); (C)-(V); (D)-(I); (E)-(III)

(c) (A)-(II); (B)-(IV); (C)-(I); (D)-(V); (E)-(III)

(d) (A)-(II); (B)-(IV); (C)-(V); (D)-(III); (E)-(I)


  1. I am an endangered species. I am the logo of an international organisation. Name that organisation.

(a) WWF           (b) WWE           (c) WEF             (d) UNEP


  1. I was a large, heavy and flightless bird. I was hunted in large number in the island of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. The last member of my species died in 1680. Who am I?

(a) White-rumped vulture         (b) Grey jungle fowl

(c) Dodo                                         (d) The Great Indian Bustard


  1. Match the following and select the correct option from the codes given below.

(a) (A)-(IV), (B)-(III),(C)-(I), (D)-(II)

(b) (A)-(IV), (B)-(II), (C)-(I), (D)-(III)

(c) (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV)

(d) (A)-(I), (B)-(II), (C)-(III), (D)-(IV)


  1. Which of the following statements regarding Satpura National Park is true?

(a) Rock shelters are found in this park

(b) It is the first Reserve Forest of India

(c) The finest Indian teak is found in this forest

(d) All of these


  1. The phenomenon of movement of certain species from their habitats to some other areas following seasonal pattern is called

(a) Poaching     (b) Migration    (c) Endemism  (d) Extinction


  1. The plant in the picture is a wild, medicinal plant. It is a threatened species due to over collection. A drug obtained from this plant is widely used in homeopathy. What is the name of this plant?

(a) Aconitum                                 (b) Lantana

(c) Parthenium                             (d) Water hyacinth


  1. The species of plant or animal which is found exclusively in particular area and is not found naturally anywhere else is known as

(a) Endemic species                    (b) Epidemic species

(c) Endomorphic species            (d) Entomorphic species


  1. There are some figures of flora and fauna. Which of the following can be seen at Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve?

(a) (i) & (ii)                                    (b) (i) & (iii)

(c) (i), (ii) & (iv)                            (d) All of these


Answer Key:

(1)-(a); (2)-(b); (3)-(a); (4)-(c); (5)-(a); (6)-(d); (7)-(b); (8)-(a); (9)-(a); (10)-(d)