
Control and coordination Worksheet-3

Control and coordination Worksheet-3


Fill in blanks:

  1. The opening up of the petals of dandelion flowers in morning in bright light and closing in the evening when the light fades is an example of _____.


  1. The non-directional movement of a plant part in response to the touch of an object is called _____.


  1. The sensitive plant has pad-like swelling called _____ at the base of each leaf.


  1. The plant hormones are also known as plant growth substances plant growth substances ­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____.


  1. _____ is a plant hormone which inhibits (or prevents) the growth.


  1. Auxins also promote _____ growth.


  1. _____ are plants hormones which promote cell enlargement and cell differentiation in the presence of auxins.


  1. _____ help in breaking the dormancy in seeds and buds.


  1. _____ are the plant hormones which promote cell division in plants.


  1. _____ help in breaking the dormancy of seeds and buds.


  1. _____ delay the ageing in leaves.


  1. _____ promote the opening of stomata



  1. _____ is a plant hormone which functions mainly as a growth inhibitor.


  1. _____ promotes the dormancy in seeds and buds


  1. Wilting and falling of leaves is called _____ .


  1. The multicellular animals (except sponges) have specialised cells called _____ cells to respond to stimuli.


  1. The nervous system of _____ consists of a network of nerve cells joined to one another and spread throughout its body.


  1. A _____ is a cell (or a group of cells) in a sense organ which is sensitive to a particular type of stimulu


  1. An _____ is a part of the body which can respond to a stimulus according to the instructions sent from the nervous system 


  1. The brain is located inside the _____ of our head



  1. Nastic movement
  2. Thigmonasty
  3. Pulvini
  4. Plant growth substances
  5. Abscisic acid
  6. Fruit
  7. Gibberellins
  8. Gibbererllins
  9. Cytokinins
  10. Cytokinins
  11. Cytokinins
  12. Cytokinins
  13. Abscisic acid
  14. Abscisic acid
  15. Abscission
  16. nerve cells
  17. Hydra
  18. Receptor
  19. Effector
  20. Skull