
Conjunction Exercise–1 (Level-6)


Download Conjunction Exercise-1

Choose the appropriate conjunction from those given in the bracket to make the sentences correct.

  1. Horse riding is an interesting ___ courageous sport. [but / and]


  1. ___ the announcement was made clearly many did not follow it. [though / if]


  1. She was bored ___ she listened to the radio. [as / hence]


  1. ___ you read books, you cannot improve your language. [unless / if]


  1. The children played with leaves ___ they were in the garden. [because / so]


  1. Their team lost the match ___ they had a good score. [since / although]


  1. “Take your medicines regularly ___ you will not get well,” said Doctor. [or / so]


  1. Would you like a macaw ___ a parrot for a pet? [or / as]


  1. ___ is the donkey a good-looking animal ___ is it intelligent. [either-or / neither-nor]


  1. ___ are the fruits fresh, ___ very sweet. [either-or / not only-but also]



  1. and

  2. though

  3. hence

  4. unless

  5. because

  6. although

  7. or

  8. or

  9. neither-nor

  10. not only-but also

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