
Spell the word Worksheet-13

Spell the Word Worksheet-13


Choose the correct spelling of the word for the given clue.

  1. "the time of day when the sun disappears" : _____

(A) sunset            (B) sunnset        (C) sunsset        (D) sunqset


  1. "joints where the feet meet the legs" : _____

(A) ankles           (B) ancles           (C) annkles        (D) ankless


  1. "a person who runs for a political office or government position" : _____

(A) pulitician    (B) politicain    (C) politician    (D) politiciann


  1. "spreading or scattering in small amounts" : _____

(A) sprincling   (B) sprinnkling (C) sprinklling  (D) sprinkling


  1. "a paper that people sign as a way of asking for something" : _____

(A) petitiun       (B) petitoin        (C) petition        (D) petitionn


  1. "a long period of time" : _____

(A) er                  (B) er                  (C) era                (D) ea


  1. "areas of partial shade or darkness" : _____

(A) shaduws      (B) shadows      (C) shadowss    (D) shadowes


  1. "wanting to know about something" : _____

(A) curious        (B) curiuus        (C) curiuos        (D) curoius


  1. "the act of staying alive" : _____

(A) survivall      (B) survival       (C) ssurvival     (D) survimval


  1. "plants broken off near their roots and rolled about by the wind" : _____

(A) tumbleweds                            (B) tumbleweads

C) tumbleweeds                            (D) tumbleweedss


  1. "a person who plans and builds complicated structures-bridges" : _____

(A) enginer        (B) enginear      (C) engineer      (D) enngineer


  1. "burning and smoking with little or no flame" : _____

(A) smuldering                              (B) smolderinng

(C) smoldering                              (D) smolldering


  1. "a person who builds or repairs things that are made of wood" : _____

(A) carpennter (B) karpenter    (C) carpenter    (D) carpentvr


  1. "grassy field for farm animals" : _____

(A) pastur          (B) passture      (C) pasutre        (D) pasture


  1. "unique; special" : _____

(A) peculiar       (B) peculair       (C) peculliar     (D) pekuliar


  1. "to die from not being able to breathe" : _____

(A) suffocate     (B) suphfocate  (C) suffocat       (D) suffucate


  1. "a thorny bush from the Southwestern US, often used for cook fires" : _____

(A) mesquite     (B) mesquit       (C) messquite   (D) mesqite


  1. "animals such as mice and rats" : _____

(A) rudents        (B) rodennts     (C) rodents        (D) rodentss


  1. "to keep oneself from doing something; hold oneself back" : _____

(A) abstian        (B) abstainn      (C) abstain        (D) absstain


  1. "place where an animal or plant lives" : _____

(A) habitato      (B) hatitat          (C) habitatm     (D) habitat


  1. "one special kind of animal" : _____

(A) bred              (B) bread           (C) brwed           (D) breed


  1. "to follow without being seen" : _____

(A) stalc              (B) stallk            (C) sstalk            (D) stalk


  1. "making food go from the mouth through the throat and into the stomach" : _____

(A) swallow       (B) swalluw       (C) swalow        (D) swalllow


  1. "a sheltered area of an ocean or lake where boats dock" : _____

(A) harbor         (B) harbur         (C) hrabor         (D) harbr


  1. "a big flash of light that appears in the sky during a storm" : _____

(A) lightnning   (B) lightninng   (C) llightning    (D) lightning


  1. "a group of people who make laws; the Senate & House of Representatives" : _____

(A) congress      (B) cungress     (C) congre         (D) conngress


  1. "power used to produce light and heat and to run motors" : _____

(A) electricity    (B) electricitie  (C) ellectricity  (D) elektricity


  1. "to adjust to" : _____

(A) daapt            (B) aapt              (C) adapto        (D) adapt


  1. "a shelf-like flat rock on a cliff or mountain" : _____

(A) ledg              (B) lledge           (C) ldege            (D) ledge


  1. "time of day when darkness begins" : _____

(A) dusc              (B) dusk             (C) dussk            (D) dsk


  1. "success; good luck; riches" : _____

(A) phortunes   (B) fortunes      (C) furtunes      (D) fortunnes


  1. "to leave behind" : _____

(A) abandun     (B) abanndon   (C) abandon      (D) abandonn


  1. "has an influence on" : _____

(A) aphfects      (B) affects          (C) afects           (D) affectss


  1. "unable to see" : _____

(A) blinnd          (B) bllind           (C) blind             (D) bilnd


  1. "a prison guard or policeman" : _____

(A) bailiff           (B) bailiphf       (C) baili              (D) bialiff


  1. "something that a person does or studies for fun " : _____

(A) hubby           (B) hoby             (C) hobby           (D) hobbie


  1. "another; not the original" : _____

(A) alternat       (B) alternnate   (C) allternate    (D) alternate


  1. "carved by an artist" : _____

(A) scullpted     (B) skulpted      (C) sculpted      (D) ssculpted


  1. "what can be seen" : _____

(A) veiw             (B) viewo            (C) view             (D) viaew


  1. "to bring shame; to embarrass." : _____

(A) disgrac        (B) dissgrace     (C) disgrace      (D) disgrake


  1. "the sliding of a lot of ice, snow, or rock down a hillside" : _____

(A) avalanch     (B) avalannche (C) avalanche   (D) avallanche


  1. "power source; substance having the ability to make things go" : _____

(A) energie        (B) energy         (C) ennergy       (D) neergy


  1. "hate or dislike" : _____

(A) hustility       (B) hostilitie      (C) hosstility     (D) hostility


  1. "people who observe and test facts to learn more about the world" : _____

(A) sceintists     (B) scientists     (C) scienntists  (D) scientissts


  1. "continue to live" : _____

(A) exisst            (B) ecksist         (C) exisvt            (D) exist


  1. "recognized, claimed, or proven to be a certain person or thing" : _____

(A) identiphied                              (B) identified

(C) identifeid                                 (D) idenntified


  1. "something written and kept" : _____

(A) recurds        (B) recordss      (C) recordes      (D) records


  1. "dry region often covered with sand, with few plants" : _____

(A) dessert         (B) deser            (C) desert           (D) deseat


  1. "feeling a sense of ease" : _____

(A) comphortable                        (B) comfortabl

C) comfortable                              (D) cumfortable


  1. "below the surface of the earth" : _____

(A) undergruund                          (B) undergruond                

C) undergraund                            (D) underground



(1)-A; (2)-A; (3)-C; (4)-D; (5)-C; (6)-C; (7)-B; (8)-A; (9)-B; (10)-C; (11)-C; (12)-C; (13)-C; (14)-D; (15)-A; (16)-A; (17)-A; (18)-C; (19)-C; (20)-D; (21)-D; (22)-D; (23)-A; (24)-A; (25)-D; (26)-A; (27)-A; (28)-D; (29)-D; (30)-B; (31)-B; (32)-C; (33)-B; (34)-C; (35)-A; (36)-C; (37)-D; (38)-C; (39)-C; (40)-C; (41)-C; (42)-B; (43)-D; (44)-B; (45)-D; (46)-B; (47)-D; (48)-C; (49)-C; (50)-D