
Countries and their currencies Crossword

WORD BANK: Dinar, dollar, euro, franc, peso, pound, rial, riyal, ruble, rupee, rupiah, shilling, taka, yen, yuan.

Countries and their currencies Crossword Worksheet Download



2. What is the currency of United Kingdom?

4. What is the currency of France?

5. What is the currency of Mexico?

7. What is the currency of Libya?

9. What is the currency of Iran?

11. What is the currency of Qatar?

12. What is the currency of Bangladesh?

13. What is the currency of Japan?



1. What is the currency of Russia?

3. What is the currency of Switzerland?

6. What is the currency of Kenya?

7. What is the currency of Canada?

8. What is the currency of Indonesia?

9. What is the currency of India?

10. What is the currency of China?