
Diversity in living organisms Worksheet-8

Diversity in living organisms Worksheet-8


  1. Which of the following is not a reptile?

A. Turtle                                         B.  Draco

C. Salamander                              D. Chameleon


  1. Which of the following is not a bacterium?

A. Penicillium                               B. Clostridium

C. Nitrsomonas                             D. Rhizobium


  1. Which of the following is true about symmetry of caudal fin in fish?

A. It is homocercal in cartilaginous fish and heterocercal  in bony fish.

B. It is homocercal in bony fish and heterocercal in cartilaginous fish.

C. It is homocercal in both cartilaginous and bony fish.

D. It is heterocercal in both cartilaginous and bony fish.


  1. Which of the following is not an oviparous organism?

A. Platypus                                     B. Crocodile

C. Chameleon                                D. Rat


  1.  Amphioxus belongs to group:

A. Protochordata                          B. Echinodermata

C. Mollusca                                    D. Pisces


  1. Pteridophytes are known as:

A. Horse tail                                  B. Flowering plant

C. Vascular cryptogam               D. Moss


  1.  In which of the following group, true coelom is not present?

A. Nematoda                                 B. Annelid

C. Echinodermata                        D. Protochordata


  1.  In which of the following group of organisms exoskeleton is made up of hair?

A. Aves                                            B. Amphibians

C. Reptilia                                      D. Mammals


  1. Development from diploblastic layers occurs in:

A. Coelenterate                             B. Annelid

C. Mollusca                                    D. Echinodermata


  1. All disease causing parasitic multicellular animals belong to group:

A. Porifera                                     B. Coelenterata

C. Platyhelminthes                       D. Nematohelminthes


Answer Key:

  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. A
  10. D