
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-56

Word Power Worksheet – 56


Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "a menial worker; messenger, servant, or foot soldier"

(a) peon                                          (b) heart-wrenching

(c) gallivanting                             (d) incongruity


  1. "separation"

(a) detachment                             (b) undulate

(c) deteriorate                               (d) velocity


  1. "period of solemn and determined watchfulness"

(a) vicinity         (b) vigil              (c) invigorate    (d) intimation


  1. "not moving or alive"

(a) impinge       (b) inanimate   (c) fluctuate      (d) mentor


  1. "to turn from a straight course or fixed direction; to turn aside"

(a) unanimity                                (b) tranquil      

(c) contemplating                        (d) deflect


  1. "one that pleads the cause of another before a judicial court; to plead in favor of"

(a) ascribe         (b) embed          (c) sullen            (d) advocate


  1. "slowness and with care, in a thoughtful way"

(a) deliberation                             (b) vigil

(c) shard                                         (d) meringue


  1. "a contest where gamecocks are fitted with metal spurs and pitted against each other"

(a) audible                                     (b) cockfight

(c) gallivanting                              (d) capsize


  1. "tiresome; repetitive"

(a) shard            (b) tedious         (c) dispense       (d) dedicated


  1. "without being able to restrain or stop something"

(a) dietitian                                   (b) incontinently

(c) semidormant                          (d) hibernate


  1. "show or express mocking contempt or ridicule"

(a) cackle           (b) eloquent      (c) hibernate     (d) scoff


  1. "heard or capable of being heard"

(a) burgeon       (b) audible        (c) renew           (d) whet


  1. "a sarcastic challenge or insult"

(a) stupefy         (b) taunt            (c) rapturous    (d) minutia


  1. "lessen"

(a) score             (b) allay             (c) odious          (d) incontinently


  1. "state of shyness or hesitancy"

(a) habitat         (b) audible        (c) haggard       (d) timidity


  1. "even though"

(a) albeit            (b) serene          (c) eloquent       (d) multitude


  1. "to express oneself in clear and effective language"

(a) shard            (b) shard            (c) articulate     (d) dedicated


  1. "property abandoned by its owner"

(a) derelict        (b) rapturous    (c) ruckus          (d) rafters


  1. "one that kills or takes wild animals illegally"

(a) menagerie  (b) rapturous    (c) velocity         (d) poacher


  1. "stun; make unconscious"

(a) finagle          (b) meandered (c) catcall          (d) stupefy


  1. "a loud cry made to express disapproval"

(a) rivulets         (b) concussion  (c) perplexed    (d) catcall


  1. "to throw into confusion or disorder; entangle"

(a) composition                            (b) slog

(c) smite                                         (d) embroil


  1. "factual information"

(a) degrade                                    (b) composition

(c) data                                           (d) capsize


  1. "having spiritual meaning"

(a) manufacture                           (b) sanctuary

(c) histrionic                                 (d) mystical


  1. "a written communication"

(a) random                                    (b) missive

(c) combustible                            (d) disfigure


  1. "A signaling or guiding device, such as a lighthouse"

(a) shard            (b) inevitable    (c) data              (d) beacon


  1. "certain to happen"

(a) dovecote      (b) fluctuate      (c) levering        (d) inevitable


  1. "walking about from place to place; traveling on foot"

(a) intimidate   (b) unsociable  (c) peripatetic   (d) haven


  1. "speed"

(a) assurance                                (b) heart-wrenching

(c) velocity                                    (d) harrowing


  1. "to induce hypnosis"

(a) rouse            (b) disfigure      (c) evident         (d) hypnotizing



1-a;  2-a;  3-b;  4-b;  5-d;  6-d;  7-a;  8-b;  9-b;  10-b;  11-d;  12-b;  13-b;  14-b;  15-d;  16-a;  17-c;  18-a;  19-d;  20-d;  21-d;  22-d;  23-c;  24-d;  25-b;  26-d;  27-d;  28-c;  29-c;  30-d