
English Olympiad Grade 1 Verbs Worksheet-2

Verbs Worksheet-2


  1. Fill in the blank with the CORRECT action word (verb):

       She _____eggs and milk.

       A. sings              B. goes                C. adds               D. writes


  1. Identify the action word in the given sentence.

       Their dog chased our cat.

       A. cat                  B. dog                 C. their               D. chased


  1. Fill in the blank with the CORRECT action word (verb):

       Asha______  her mom with the dishes.

       A. helped           B. bowls             C. plates             D. happily

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  1. Fill in the blank with the CORRECT action word (verb):

       My mother _____a cake.

       A. bakes             B. washes          C. cleans            D. knife


  1. Fill in the blank with the CORRECT action word (verb):

       She _____flour into a bowl.

       A. runs               B. walks             C. pours             D. fights


  1. Identify the action word in the given sentence.

       Dad drives me to school every morning.

       A. drives           B. every              C. dad                 D. school


  1. Identify the action word in the given sentence.

       Who broke my truck?

       A. truck             B. who                C. broke             D. my


  1. Identify the action word in the given sentence.

       We watched the movie with our parents.

       A. movie             B. watched        C. parents          D. with


  1. Identify the action word in the given sentence.

       Rajesh threw the ball.

       A. Joseph           B. ball                 C. the                  D. threw


  1. Identify the action word in the given sentence.

       I mailed those letters yesterday.

       A. mailed           B. letters            C. yesterday      D. I


  1. Identify the action word in the given sentence.

       My sister and I set the table.

       A. my                  B. table               C. set                   D. and


  1. Fill in the blank with the CORRECT action word (verb):

       I ______my hands with soap and water.

       A. wasp              B. washed           C. wall                D. fingers


  1. Look at the picture and answer the given question:

       Sangeeta is ______.


       A. Cooking         B. dancing         C. singing          D. writing


  1. Look at the picture and answer the given question:

       Ravi is _______.


       A. Laughing      B. running         C. fighting         D. digging


  1. Look at the picture and answer the given question:

       The little baby is _____ in the bed.


       A. Dancing        B. fighting         C. acting             D. sleeping



(1)–C; (2)–D; (3)–A; (4)–A; (5)–C; (6)–A; (7)–C; (8)–B; (9)–D; (10)–A; (11)–C; (12)–B; (13)–A; (14)–B; (15)–D