
Prepositions Exercise-3 (Level-6)

Prepositions Practice Exercise-3


  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition of time:
  1. Wait at home ___ your father calls. [by / for / until]


  1. He has been working ___ two days. [until / by / for]


  1. We have exams ___ April. [in / until / at]


  1. Sunil has been waiting ___ two hours. [by / until / for]


  1. The train arrives ___ nine thirty. [on / in / at]


  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions of time.

Choose from those given after each bracket:

Sunita studied ____ (since, for) three hours early in the morning. She was sleepy ____ (at, by) the time she finished her work. She slept ____ (on, at) 8 o’clock and woke up ____ (until, at) 10 a.m. Then she watched T.V. ____ (when, until) it was time for lunch. Then she studied again as she had an exam ____ (at, on) Monday.



  1. Fill in the blanks.
  1. until

  2. for

  3. in

  4. for

  5. at


  1. for, by, at, at, until, on


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