
Verbs Worksheet-8

Verbs Worksheet-8


  1. Identify the type of verb the underlined portion of the following sentence represents.

Ali is a very honest person.

A. helping verb                              B. linking Verb

C. action verb                                 D. none of these


  1. Choose the word that is NOT a helping verb.

A. could              B. of                    C. did                  D. can


  1. Which option shows the simple past and past participle form of "meet"?

A. meeted, met                              B. met, meeten

C. met, meet                                  D. met, met


  1. Which sentence is an example of past progressive form of verb?

A. She played guitar.                   B. She had played guitar.

C. She was playing guitar.           D. She plays guitar.


  1. Which sentence is an example of future progressive form of verb?

A. She was shifting the chairs into the office room.

B. She will be shifting the chairs into the office room.

C. She is shifting the chairs into the office room.

D. She shifted the chairs into the office room.


  1. Which sentence is an example of future progressive form of verb?

A. The leaves are falling down.

B. The Bus will leave in the morning.

C. Rakhi will be working from 8am to 5pm tomorrow.

D. She had left when we arrived there.


  1. Identify the linking verb in the following sentence:

He grew tired of answering her queries.

A. grew               B. her                  C. tired               D. queries


  1. Fill in the blank with the CORRECT verb tense.

Anurag was tired so he _____ asleep on the sofa.

A. is fall              B. fell                  C. will falling    D. none of these


  1. Choose proper verb tense for the underlined word to make grammatically correct sentence.

Next winter I take my children to a ski resort.

A. took                B. will take        C. takes              D. is taking


  1. Identify the action verb(s) in the following sentence.

Aashav carried the heaviest load of books.

A. Aashav          B. carried          C. heaviest         D. books


Answer Key:

(1)-B; (2)-B; (3)-D; (4)-C; (5)-B; (6)-C; (7)-A; (8)-B; (9)-B; (10)-B